Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What Time Does the Day Begin?

Well I can say that mine officially began at about 4:20am. And it has been drama all day long. One of the parents that I do childcare for goes in to work especially early. She texted me & requested that I call & leave her a message saying that I was sick so that she could get off from work. So I thought, well I am sick. I've been sick for 4 days now. Plus who wouldn't love a day off? Still, at 5:25am, there was a knock on the door. It was the father, dropping the baby off. Oh, okay... I'm confused. I thought I called your command so you could have the day off & spend some time with your child. Maybe not. I cuddled the baby until he fell asleep around 6:10am. Then at 6:30am, there is another knock on the door. WHAT IN THE WORLD? Yes, the mother had arrived to pick the baby up.

And the whole situation came back to bite the mother anyway because her 1st class started calling around to find her a back up provider. This is basically a tactic used by those high in the chain of command that says "don't try to miss work for no reason" and so the mother ended up calling her 1st class and telling her she'd be there in a little bit. So I have the baby anyway. My kids are napping. I wish I was.

And so, if I am snappy today, please excuse me. Each time I attempted to go back to sleep, someone interrupted the my bliss 5 minutes after I closed my eyes. Sleep has been teasing me all day long.

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